Saturday, March 3, 2012

Basic Facts You Have to Know about the 17 Day Diet

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17 day dietFor some people, the 17 day diet is a lot harder than it looks. Others, however, it is a lot easier than it seems to be. The apparent divergence in people’s opinion is not surprising, though, as their beliefs also happen to stem from their own perceptions about their abilities to lose weight and diet effectively.

If you want to know whether the 17 day diet would work for you or not, then you need to know what its essential components are first. From there, you can then better determine whether those components are something you can manage with ease or difficulty.

Carbohydrate may sound like such a fancy term, but actually it has a very simple meaning. With the 17 day diet, you are simply asked to adjust your carbohydrate intake depending on which 17-day session you are currently following.

The 17 day diet, which was developed by the increasingly popular Dr. Mike Moreno from California, will sometimes ask you to stick to a low-carb diet. Other times, it will require you to consume certain types of food that happen to have high carb content as well. The requirements may make you raise your eyebrow, but don’t worry as there is a method to his apparent madness.

Dr. Moreno explains that the seemingly random changes that one makes in his carb intake will serve to confuse one’s metabolism, which consequently speeds up the person’s weight loss process. An additional benefit to enjoy from one of the 17 day diet’s admittedly unique attribute is that the unexpected changes in one’s food take is guaranteed to make dieting less tedious and frustrating.

Contrary to popular opinion, the 17 day diet does not consist of only seventeen days’ worth of dieting and exercising. Rather, it consists of four 17-day sessions or cycles, which are identified below.


During this stage, Dr. Moreno asks individuals to maintain a relatively low-carb diet, which is designed to improve the body’s fat-burning process as well as cleanse itself of toxins. Both would contribute eventually to speedier weight loss.


This is the stage in which carbohydrate cycling takes place. During this stage, Dr. Moreno requires individuals to “reset” their metabolism or start anew. This step is supposed to prevent your weight from plateauing and further improve its fat-burning abilities.


For the third 17-day series in the 17 day diet, Dr. Moreno educates individuals on how to develop good eating habits – and maintain them as well. This is also the part where certain types of food that were previously crossed out from your to-eat list are re-introduced to your diet.


As for the final stage, Dr. Moreno concludes the 17 day diet program by helping individuals keep a tight rein on their food intake during the week and then rewarding themselves with their favorite foods come weekend.

Although the list of foods that you can and can’t eat at one point and which can and can’t eat at another may seem complex, rest assured that everything has been carefully and thoroughly explained in the 17 day diet manual.

Every Diet. (2011, December 11). 17 day diet. Retrieved from

Posted by Admin - February 2, 2012 at 3:32 am

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How Blog 17 day diet may result in a new and more attractive "You"

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Friday, March 2, 2012

The 17 Day Diet Book Review

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17 day diet bookThe 17 Day Diet book, written by Dr. Michael Moreno, joins the sea of diet plans and programs, but is it a great catch?  The selling point of the 17 day diet is its three 17 day cycles and one last extended cycle to maintain its reward of a leaner body. Its basic principle is to cheat your body’s metabolism by shifting to a low calorie diet then to a higher one until it stabilizes and attains optimization.

From the looks of it, the 17 Day Diet book may seem like it holds the key to all the weight loss dilemmas. But before you click that ‘add to cart’ option in your Amazon account, let’s filter through the glittering assurances of the 17 Day Diet book and it’s not so sparkly downsides.

It’s a 17 day diet!: Well, not really but it does provide four cycles, each with its own game plan and each only lasting 17 days, except for the last one, on how to achieve your ideal weight. This particular scheme of the 17 Day Diet book provides the dieter who heeds its calling his own evaluation of the diet at the very end of a cycle. The dieter himself may measure how far he has gone and if the diet is working for him.Immediate results: The 17 Day Diet book espouses rapid weight loss which shows after the first cycle. By foregoing starchy carbohydrates like pasta, white bread and banana, as well as processed foods, junk foods and fast foods, the body is cleansed of unhealthy carbohydrates and loses water weight. Imagine saying goodbye to at least 10 pounds after just 17 days.Keeping it balanced: Unlike other diet plans and programs, the 17 Day Diet book does not remove a food group from the list of things that can be ingested, at least not permanently. The 17 Day Diet book instead prescribes different meal plans for each cycle that suit the lifestyle of each dieter. It removes the monotony of just eating from one food group. It guarantees a leaner body without the discomfort of starving yourself to a piece of carrot stick.17 days of low energy: It is 17 days without the much needed carbohydrates to help you get through the day. The low calorie scheme of the first cycle may cause irritation and mood swings due to low blood sugar. The 17 Day Diet book will test a dieter’s will to survive the first cycle alone because of the food restrictions provided by it at the onset of the plan. Think of the other remaining cycles and its exhaustive and complicated lists of meal plans that shift from low to high calorie then low again.Not supported by science: There is no science to back the main claim of the 17 Day Diet book. The first cycle may cause the metabolism to slow down because of the abrupt cutting of carbohydrates instead of hastening it. The premise of constantly cheating the body’s metabolism to lose weight is not supported by any research and thus a dieter has to take the plunge and be his own 17 Day Diet book success story.

Zelman, Kathleen, M., MPH, RD, LD. 17 Day Diet review.

Retrieved from

The 17-Day Diet: pros and cons of the latest weight-loss craze

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17 Day Diet: Weight Loss Plan from Dr. Michael Moreno’s Book

Retrieved from

Posted by Admin - February 2, 2012 at 2:59 am

Categories: 17 day diet articles  Tags: 17 day diet, 17 day diet book

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17 Day diet plan-how it helps you to get back your number

17 day diet planAlthough a lot of people know the 17 day diet plan, of which not all actually understand how the program works. Here's a quick guide to the most misunderstood part of the 17 day diet plan.

Weekends are like your days from after the 17 day diet plan. You forget all the strict school meal programs and focusing on food, what you love. On the weekend of his creator Dr. Michael Moreno suggests that people ate only one or two of their favorite dishes and consume more than two alcoholic beverages.

Also warns individuals finished orgies bingeing as difficult to revert back to the normal programme for working days.

Because of too many cheating, you'll end up gaining five pounds. If this occurs, there is no reason to panic, because all hope is not yet lost. Says Dr. Moreno, all you have to do is to go back to phase 2 of the 17 day diet plan and stay there until you get back to your ideal weight. Consider this the ultimate safe mode a program for people who were unable to restrain their pounds.

To prevent unexpected weight gain, Dr. Moreno also encourages people to check their weight each week.

Strictly speaking, the 17 day diet plan has no end because its food plans are designed to help you maintain an ideal weight and maintain your slim figure. Provided, however, that your end goal in mind to achieve stage 4, just at the last stage if you reach an ideal weight.

When that happens, you must crop rotation stages 2 and 3 until you close, tipping the scales.

Not many individuals are also aware that it seems that alcohol has a significant impact on people in the 17 day diet plan. When they reach stage 3, it is possible to consume 1. alcohol drink every day. Although alcohol is now enabled, keep in mind that alcohol consumption has proven to slow down your ability to lose weight at this stage, the most important.

In fact, if you didn't lose more weight, you should, then it is likely your blame the alcohol.

17 Day diet plan is not easy, but it is feasible with the will. Consider the following to ensure that you succeed in reaching stage 4 tips.

Always focus on the part of the control. It greatly helps in preventing consume more than you should.

Forget skip breakfast. No matter how you look at it is breakfast the most important meal of the day and the facilitation of the diet.

To increase the income of salads. It's not only delicious and plentiful, but they are also quick and easy to prepare. If you're too tired to one of the dishes in the 17 day diet plan, salads can be used to reach you during the day.

Give it to me, Kathleen m. (2011). 17 day diet: diet review. Retrieved from

Posted by Admin-2. February 2012 at 3: 56 am

Categories: 17 day diet articles tags: 17 day diet, the 17 day diet plan

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What Is Included In The 17 Day Diet Menu

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17 day diet menuThe 17 day diet plan follows a 17 day diet menu. Dr. Mike Moreno’s program is primarily based on losing weight through eating healthy. The diet program is centered on a repeated cycle of limiting and increasing the carbohydrate intake of the body. The high low carb cycle is done to create confusion on the body’s metabolic cycle. The confusion on the metabolism is said to promote faster weight loss.

A sample 17 day diet menu for cycle 1 may be:

For Breakfast:

A hot green tea

4 cooked egg whites

4 – 5 cut up strawberries

1 cup non-fat plain yogurt


For Lunch:

Hot green tea

Apple (medium, cut up)

Grilled chicken breast with lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes and lettuce

Light vinaigrette for the grilled chicken: olive oil, vinegar, apple cider and sweetener

For Snack:

A cup of non-fat plain yogurt for early morning snack

Or baby carrots for mid-day

For Dinner:

Hot green tea

Steamed broccoli and carrots

Ground turkey patty

During the meal plan, it is advised to take about 64 – 96 oz of water.

To prevent the monotonous and repeated menu for every diet days, it is recommended to change meal plans every day. The 17 day diet menu may be changed so long as the required carbohydrate intake is still followed.

The possibility of changing meal plans is one of the advantages of the 17 day diet menu. One of the primary reasons why people is discouraged to do and maintain their diet is because the food can already be boring after certain amount of time consuming the same food over and over again. With the flexibility of the 17 day diet menu, eating healthy will never be boring.

The 17 day diet menu also includes a sort of indulgence menu in the fourth cycle of the diet program. In the fourth cycle, a dieter is allowed to indulge in his or her favorite foods during the weekend while strictly following the provided carbohydrate intake limit during the weekdays.

Day 1:

For Breakfast: Omelet

For Lunch: Shrimp and Chicken Gumbo

Dinner: Beef Bourguignon

Day 2:

For Breakfast: Mixed Berry Crepe

For Lunch: Chicken cheese steak

For Dinner: Port Tenderloin and olive tapenade

Day 3:

For Breakfast: Omelet

For Lunch: Beef with broccoli

For Dinner: Sausage

Day 4:

For Breakfast: Spinach and ricotta cheese crepe

For: Lunch: Shrimp Bowl

For Dinner: Roasted chicken with apples

Day 5:

For Breakfast: Omelet

For Lunch: Blackened tilapia

For Dinner: Fish paella

Day 6:

For Breakfast: Breakfast crepe

For Lunch: Salmon fillet in roasted pepper sauce

For Dinner: Arroz con lentejas

Day 7:

For Breakfast: Chicken and mushroom crepe

For Lunch: Chicken bowl

For Dinner: Pineapple teriyaki meat loaf

While strictly complying with the 17 day diet menu it is highly recommended to eat plenty of fruits for snacks and drink lots of water. This is to keep the body hydrated. Drinking hot green tea is also recommended to help the body get rid of certain toxins and speed up the fat burning process.

For the 1st week 17 day diet menu, it is okay to interchange the menus for the specific date to create a certain variation on the daily menu.

For Breakfast:

Hot green tea

4 -5 cut up strawberries

4 cooked egg whites

A cup of non-fat yogurt


For Lunch:

Pork loin chop (grilled)

Medium sweet potato

Half cup of brown rice

Hot green tea

For Snack:

Medium Apple

For Dinner:

Beef top sirloin (grilled)

Steamed broccoli and cauliflower

Hot green tea

In the cycle 2 of the diet, a constant change between low carb and high carb diet is used to mix up and confuse the body’s metabolism. Bringing in some of the low carbohydrate 17 day diet menu during the cycle 1 can be done during the cycle 2 of the diet program.

The idea behind the menu in the 3rd cycle of the 17 day diet program is to learn how to portion food intake and having a more regular eating time. The increase in food intake in the 3rd cycle necessitates a decrease in the protein intake of the body.

In additi0n to the 17 day diet menu on the 1st and 2nd cycles, the following foods may be considered:

1. Lean proteins

2. Pasta (half cup)

3. Probiotics

4. Friendly fats

5. Snacks that contains less than 100 calories

The 4th cycle of the 17 day diet program is to continue eating healthy. During the start of the 4th cycle, the dieter must already arrive on his or her target weight. As such, all that needs to be done is to maintain the weight through continuously eating low calorie diets.

The menu of the 17 day diet plan is not a strict enumeration. In fact, a dieter may come up with his or her own 17 day diet menu so long as it is in keeping with the required carbohydrate and protein intake of the every cycle.

17 day diet menu.

Retrieved from

Cycle 1 Food List. The 17 Day Diet Tips and Blogs

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Cycle 2 Food List. The 17 Day Diet Tips and Blogs

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Cycle 3 Food List. The 17 Day Diet Tips and Blogs

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Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH. RD. LD. 17 Day Diet Review

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Experts "weigh" to 17 days diet

17 days diet17 days diet is a weight loss program that was developed by the company in California, Dr. Michael Moreno. Once the family doctor, now is one of the recognised face from the medical world, thanks to performances by guest in talk show Dr. Phil. He has won millions of believers from that time, and virtually all of them are raving about how effective is 17 days diet .

There are a few golden rules 17 days diet must in no case violate if you want the program to actually work.

First, pay attention to the part that you eat at each meal. Remember that a little bit too much of nothing is too much and is likely to cause the tip of the instrument. Will not wait for it to happen.

Second, the program is for eating salads and making healthier substitutes for known calorie ingredients. Let's just say that preparing the bowls of salad. Rather than risk an increase in calories with Caesar dressing, you can just replace it with vinaigrette instead.

Third, 17 days diet requires persons per day to drink at least 64 ounces of water. They can help themselves in an appropriate manner the pace and prevent them to consume more than what their systems really do.

One of the most controversial rules would "ban on fruit" after 2: 00 pm. This is mainly because of the calories in fruit will be much harder to burn as compared to those that are stored in other types of food.

A lot of people assume that 17 days diet will tell you everything you need to make your picture hot place or slim. Although Dr. Moreno is going out of its way to spoon feed everything to the reader, will be a time when he himself to help themselves.

Your complaints of hunger, for example. How do tend to differ from one individual, Dr. Moreno superintendant only you spend much time, as appropriate, in identifying and understanding what triggers hunger.

Once you have all of them mounted, make sure to watch out for these complaints all the time. According to the Act when they become urgent and more difficult to ignore.

Although, it seems that many individuals find a list of foodstuffs for 17 days diet quite confusing, most experts find it extremely beneficial and well-planned. Experts are particularly impressed because of the principles that Dr. Moreno to establish a program of choice of foods.

NET eatingLimited alcoholIncreased exerciseEnhancing optionsRegular intake of healthier your diet eating food rich in hydrocarbons loveAvoiding

Many experts, however, disagree with Dr. Moreno theories on rapid weight loss and prevent specific types of fruit and other healthy food. In any case, if you remember the rules above the then 17 days diet will most likely work for you.

Give it to me, Kathleen m. (2011). 17 day diet: diet review. Retrieved from

Posted by Admin-2. February 2012 at 4: 04

Categories: 17 day diet articles tags: 17 day diet, diet 17 days

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dissecting the 17 diet menu

17 day diet food listThis dissection of Dr. Michael Moreno the 17 day diet food list was made to provide more information about what may or may not be consumed during the programme.

If you want to better understand the 17 day diet foods, one must simply remember that Dr. Moreno programme supported individuals maintain a diet free from unhealthy food, such as processed foods, and those rich in sugar.

This is the part that Melissa Nodvin, registered dietitian, it is estimated that individuals must follow a diet of 1200 calories per day. Their list of 17 day diet food in this stage is characterized by the inclusion of unrestricted income of lean protein and-green vegetables. With normal cholesterol, it is also recommended to consume 2 eggs at night.

Keep in mind that Dr. Moreno weight loss program is not just a diet. It also recommends that, in parallel with individuals recommends missile workouts like walking for 17 minutes each day during phase 1 and 2. In subsequent stages, are obliged to individuals, the speed and the intensity of the exercise and the work of 150 to 300 minutes or 5 hours a day.

At this stage, users are also discourage consuming too much fruit. However, they are encouraged to eat a slight amount of animal fats, as well as probiotika, such as yoghurt.

Without these exercises, list of the 17 day diet food would be all for nothing.

17 Day diet food list for the next phase is essentially the same one used for the first phase. The differences are small, but significant, but. Firstly, calories per day is slightly increased to 1500 calories a day. With regard to the reception of God – which was increased to – as well as the reception of fats, which dropped only one serve also changes were made.

For this stage, people are recommended to be between 1 day and 2 day.

Typical 17 day diet food list is substantially enhanced for this stage, but only because it must make room for healthier meals. This includes the increased amount of intake of protein, fruit, starches and fats and safely consume 100 calories food.

If the program had followed to the letter, then they should achieve the ideal weight at this stage. This last phase is to ensure that you have everything from e-book and start to be more lax with the eating options.

At this point, you will learn everything to know about maintaining an ideal weight. Dr. Moreno in particular suggests that individuals interchange plans food from phase 1 to 3 constantly prevent plateauing.

Also be sure to not cheat with the 17 day diet food list of what that meant only with a longer period of time to wait before you can enjoy visible results.

Give it to me, Kathleen m. (2011). 17 day diet: diet review. Retrieved from

Posted by Admin-2. February 2012 at 3: 52 am

Categories: 17 day diet articles tags: 17 day diet, the 17 day diet food list

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