Saturday, March 3, 2012

Basic Facts You Have to Know about the 17 Day Diet

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17 day dietFor some people, the 17 day diet is a lot harder than it looks. Others, however, it is a lot easier than it seems to be. The apparent divergence in people’s opinion is not surprising, though, as their beliefs also happen to stem from their own perceptions about their abilities to lose weight and diet effectively.

If you want to know whether the 17 day diet would work for you or not, then you need to know what its essential components are first. From there, you can then better determine whether those components are something you can manage with ease or difficulty.

Carbohydrate may sound like such a fancy term, but actually it has a very simple meaning. With the 17 day diet, you are simply asked to adjust your carbohydrate intake depending on which 17-day session you are currently following.

The 17 day diet, which was developed by the increasingly popular Dr. Mike Moreno from California, will sometimes ask you to stick to a low-carb diet. Other times, it will require you to consume certain types of food that happen to have high carb content as well. The requirements may make you raise your eyebrow, but don’t worry as there is a method to his apparent madness.

Dr. Moreno explains that the seemingly random changes that one makes in his carb intake will serve to confuse one’s metabolism, which consequently speeds up the person’s weight loss process. An additional benefit to enjoy from one of the 17 day diet’s admittedly unique attribute is that the unexpected changes in one’s food take is guaranteed to make dieting less tedious and frustrating.

Contrary to popular opinion, the 17 day diet does not consist of only seventeen days’ worth of dieting and exercising. Rather, it consists of four 17-day sessions or cycles, which are identified below.


During this stage, Dr. Moreno asks individuals to maintain a relatively low-carb diet, which is designed to improve the body’s fat-burning process as well as cleanse itself of toxins. Both would contribute eventually to speedier weight loss.


This is the stage in which carbohydrate cycling takes place. During this stage, Dr. Moreno requires individuals to “reset” their metabolism or start anew. This step is supposed to prevent your weight from plateauing and further improve its fat-burning abilities.


For the third 17-day series in the 17 day diet, Dr. Moreno educates individuals on how to develop good eating habits – and maintain them as well. This is also the part where certain types of food that were previously crossed out from your to-eat list are re-introduced to your diet.


As for the final stage, Dr. Moreno concludes the 17 day diet program by helping individuals keep a tight rein on their food intake during the week and then rewarding themselves with their favorite foods come weekend.

Although the list of foods that you can and can’t eat at one point and which can and can’t eat at another may seem complex, rest assured that everything has been carefully and thoroughly explained in the 17 day diet manual.

Every Diet. (2011, December 11). 17 day diet. Retrieved from

Posted by Admin - February 2, 2012 at 3:32 am

Categories: 17 day diet articles  Tags: 17 day diet

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